Questions regarding how to painlessly and effectively enlarge the penis have been worrying men for a long time. Today there are many techniques and devices for this, but the greatest results are shown by plastic surgery. With the help of surgery, you can add 4-6 cm in length, as well as a few centimeters in width. But not every man is ready to take such drastic measures.
The pump for the penis has reached widespread use - a special device, according to the manufacturer's assurances, pumping also contributes to an increase in the size of the penis. But an important condition for achieving such results is knowledge of how such a tool works, how to use it correctly, whether there are contraindications and risks of harm to health. Also, not every man is sure whether it is possible to enlarge the penis with a pump.
What is a vacuum pump for?

Almost 99% of men care about how correct the shape and external structure of his penis is, as well as how sufficient its length and width are to satisfy a woman. Recent observations and polls have confirmed the fact that most men would like to enlarge their penis, and few of them are ready to decide on a surgical enlargement. Therefore, experts have developed a conservative and no less effective method - penis pumping.
To understand how expedient the use of a pump to increase the size of the penis, you should familiarize yourself with the mechanism and principle of operation of such a device and its device. Experts carried out repeated observations and tests of the pump, each time confirming the effectiveness of its use.
For reference!There are even medical indications for the use of a vacuum pump - after surgery on the prostate gland in order to further maintain the length of the penis, as well as to eliminate erectile dysfunction.
The main question is: does the pump enlarge the penis?
To understand how effective a penis pump is, you need to know its principle of operation. For men, such a device operates according to the method of negative pressure, it is formed in a special flask, where the man will need to place his genital organ. For clarification, the manufacturers recall the anatomical features of the structure of the penis:
- the spongy body and two cavernous bodies, filled with vessels from the inside, are responsible for the enlargement of the penis;
- in the process of the onset of an erection, the body under the filling of blood increases and stretches in size, increasing the penis itself.
The work of the device first lowers the pressure in the corpora cavernosa, which means that the laws of physics provide a rapid rush of blood from places with increased pressure to opposite places (cavernous bodies in this case). The systematic use of the pump will strengthen erectile function, increase the elasticity and extensibility of the cavernous and spongy bodies of the penis, thereby increasing its size.
Also, to assess the feasibility of using the pump and understand how the penis will change after the pump, it is worth familiarizing yourself with other useful properties of its use. The benefits of a pump are as follows:
- an increase in blood flow to the vessels of the genital organ helps to obtain a larger volume of oxygen, which prevents the development of fibrous growths, erectile dysfunction;
- in addition to the prevention of erectile dysfunction, the use of the device helps to eliminate concomitant symptoms - anxiety, depression, fears;
- improves blood flow in the genital area;
- prevention of surgical interventions on the organs of the genitourinary system;
- prevention of diabetes mellitus.
Experts note the positive effect of the systematic use of the pump on the libido and potency of a man. Based on how the pump can increase blood flow, it becomes clear that penis infatuation will be short-lived at first, but the results will last over time.
What does a pump look like?

It is possible to evaluate the benefits of using the device not only on the basis of the principle of operation and knowledge of the results, which guarantees the systematic use of the pump. It is also important to consider its structure, and what elements and parts the pump consists of. A classic vacuum pump includes several elements:
- transparent plastic flask;
- a pressure pump and a pear on the flask;
- latex seal for creating a vacuum.
Penis pump photo:

The maximum benefit from the use of such an aggregate will be obtained if the penis is inserted into the flask, pressing it as tightly as possible to the body. In addition, the complete set of the pump implies:
- the flask and its O-ring for the introduction of the penis inside it;
- air valve for safe use;
- pressure gauge regulating the pressure inside the flask;
- a pear that regulates the flow of air;
- small hose.
Before you start using such a device, it is important to thoroughly study the instructions and all the details of its operation. Do not give the device for sampling to other people, as the device is a personal tool.
Choosing the right
After it became clear that with the help of a pump you can not only enlarge the penis, but also prevent problems with erection and stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, the question arises where you can buy a pump, what is its price, how to choose the right device. You can find a vacuum pump in the pharmacy department; you do not need a prescription from a medical specialist to buy it.
For reference!In order to independently enlarge a penis with a pump at home without harming his health, a man must necessarily consult with a urologist in advance, having received approval from him for the use of the device.
The best are considered to be pumps that are equipped with additional safety valves, which guarantee a reduction in the risk of injury and harm to the genitals.
Using a pump with such a valve will ensure that the penis remains safely in the flask under the influence of pressure. Only a medical professional can tell you the best make and model of your pump.
How to use a penis enlargement pump?

In order for the use of a vacuum pump for the penis to bring the expected effect without harm and risks, it is necessary to strictly follow the algorithm for its use, which implies instructions for use. Before starting the procedure, the device must be washed with soap for disinfection, and you do not need to pour boiling water over the pump.
So, the algorithm for using the pump consists of the following steps:
- The base of the apparatus must be lubricated with any lubricant to ensure glide. In this case, do not use a grease that is too greasy, as it will not allow a vacuum to form.
- The penis should be placed in the base of the apparatus, pressing it against the scrotum. But before that, you need to apply a special cream to the skin of the penis, which increases blood circulation.
- Air is pumped out of the pump, which will provide a decrease in pressure in the penis area, which means a rapid rush of blood to it.
- The vacuum must be held in the left hand, and the air must be gradually pumped out with the right with the help of a pear.
- If there is a safety valve, the hole in the flask is closed with it. If not, cover the hole with your hand.
- After the penis has begun to erect and redness is noticeable, after 30 seconds the valve must be opened to start the air a little.
- The whole procedure should not last longer than 20 minutes; from time to time, a short erection may occur (up to 20 times).
In order for a man to pump up his penis using a pump, it can be used 1 time in 2 days. In this case, the first two weeks, the device can be used for 30 seconds a couple of hours before bedtime. In the future, the duration of the procedures can be doubled; between each minute of exposure, you need to leave 2 minutes for rest.
For reference!If, after using the flask after the end of the procedure, the erection immediately weakens, experts advise resorting to using an erection ring.
Precautionary measures

Undoubtedly, after the above information, you can be sure that it is quite possible to enlarge the penis with a pump. But it is also important to take into account that the device is not ideal, it has its drawbacks.
The use of a pump is contraindicated in the following categories of persons:
- with urethritis and other diseases of the genitourinary system;
- with pathologies of the foreskin;
- if there is a predisposition to blood clots;
- with pathologies of the kidneys or liver;
- history of diabetes mellitus;
- vascular and circulatory system diseases.
If used incorrectly or if there is no consultation with a urologist, the following harm is possible from the pump:
- the appearance of red or purple spots on the skin of the penis if capillary rupture and bleeding occurs;
- excessive use of the unit will lower the sensitivity of the penis, cause dry skin and discomfort;
- misuse can cause pain and injury to the penis;
- irrational use of the device can lead to a decrease in the ejection force of the semen, which reduces the possibility of conceiving a child.
In addition, there are risks of a negative effect of the device on erectile function if you do not follow an erection. Therefore, it is important to consult a urologist before starting the procedure.
Reviews of owners and doctors

Not always the prestige of a particular product and publicity speaks of its actual effectiveness. As for the pump for increasing the size of the penis, you can evaluate its benefits according to the reviews of men and specialists. To do this, there are a lot of forums and resources on the Internet where personal examples of using the device are considered, there are even photographs and tables with dimensions before and after.
Some reviews of men say that the pump helps to increase not the length of the penis much better, but its thickness under a large rush of blood. There are also those men who strictly followed the instructions, they note excellent results - up to 2-3 cm in length and a little less in width. Medical specialists approve the use of the pump, but only if there are no contraindications to its use, and also according to the instructions.
Where can you buy and how much does it cost?
You can order a vacuum pump in a specialized online store that sells such goods. You need to give preference to those devices that have certificates and other documents confirming the effectiveness and quality of the goods. In addition, the prices for pumps are much lower than in real stores and pharmacies.
You can also buy a pump at a pharmacy, for this the pharmacist does not need a doctor's prescription. It is better to buy a pump with a special safety valve, as it guarantees a decrease in the risk of pain and trauma to the penis during the procedure.